Speaker A: I have no idea where to go in the Spring break. Got any suggestions? Speaker B: I’ m not sure. ______

admin2019-05-15  21

问题 Speaker A: I have no idea where to go in the Spring break. Got any suggestions? Speaker B: I’ m not sure. ______

选项 A、I’ d go for some brochures in the travel agency.
B、If you have money, you can go anywhere.
C、I’ m not going anywhere in particular.
D、I’ d appreciate it if you can consult the ads in the papers.


解析 本题考查询问别人意见的场景。根据对话可知,说话人A不知道春季假期该去哪里玩,询问B是否有什么建议。选项B(如果你有钱,你哪儿都能去)并未正面回答问题。选项C(我不打算去任何地方)是自己的活动安排而不是给对方的建议,应排除。选项D(如果你能看看报纸上的广告,我将不胜感激)是建议对方获得答案的方法,并非直接建议去什么地方。选项A(我去旅行社拿些宣传册看看)意味着自己筛选完后会给出一些具体可去的地方,符合语境,故本题选A。
