You will now be asked to give your opinion about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prep

admin2018-11-18  23

问题 You will now be asked to give your opinion about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.
Do you prefer to be friends who share the same opinion as you do or the people who hold different opinions?


答案Well, I prefer mates that share similar opinions and lifestyles as I do for the following reasons. Firstly, friends who disagree on politics, religion, or other major social issues often fall into conflict. For example, if I believe strongly in a democratic American president and my friend believes in a conservative president, it is likely that we will argue about the issue. So it is easier to have a friend with similar beliefs. Secondly, friends with similar beliefs give each other more common interests to build on. If my friend supports art or film, for example, we can go to movies or museums together. However, if a new friend loved playing poker and going to clubs, we would have little in common, and would never know what to do together. Therefore, I prefer friends who are similar to each other.

解析     审题,从题干中找出关键词及相关信息,即“friends”“the same opinions”“different opinions”,所以考生要决定自己支持哪一种观点,原因是什么,或给出反对另一种观点的理由。
