admin2010-07-06  29

An Unpleasant Trip
   Mr. Bush and his wife, Helena, went to Sydney for their winter holiday. But they were by no means pleased with their howl. As soon as they returned home, Mr. Bush decided to write to the manager of Happytours.
Mr. Bush: Can you spare a moment, dear? I want you to listen to this letter.
Helena: Go ahead, then.
Mr. Bush: Dear Sir, my wife and I arrived home last night after a holiday arranged by your firm in Jersey. We stayed at the hotel described in your brochure as a comfortable, medium-sized hotel, with a magnificent view of the sea, offering courteous, old fashioned service and excellent food, served in a relaxed friendly atmosphere.
Helena: Yes, that’s what the brochure said.
Mr. Bush: In fact the hotel is situated at least half a mile from the sea. Our room overlooks a car park.
Helena: Through the gates of which motor vehicles were constantly arriving or departing.
Mr. Bush: Yes, that’s good. The food was strictly beef burgers and chips or fish and chips. Wine was available, but at exorbitant price, and as for the courteous, old-fashioned service, the majority of the staff were foreign and virtually incapable of speaking or understanding the English language.
Helena: Yes, that’s quite true.
Mr. Bush: In addition to this, we were most unhappy with the arrangements for our journey home. We were instructed to catch the 10:00 a.m ferry
Helena: Wasn’t it 11:00?
Mr. Bush: No, 10:00 but this was apparently delayed and we did not get away till 7 o’clock in the evening. Now that our holiday is over, it seems fairly pointless writing this letter, but I should like you to know that we were most disappointed with the hotel and travel arrangements and shall certainly not be booking any future holidays through Happytours. Yours faithfully, Herbert Bush.
Helena: Yes dear, that’s a very good letter.



