Though agreeing with Descartes that consciousness and extension are qualitatively distinct, Spinoza’s dual-aspect theory

admin2009-05-19  18

问题            Though agreeing with Descartes that consciousness and extension are
       qualitatively distinct, Spinoza’s dual-aspect theory denied that consciousness
       and extension are inherent characteristics of two finite substances, treating
       them instead as attributes of the infinite substance of a transcendent
(5)    intelligence. While mental occurrences can dictate only other mental
       occurrences and physical motions can determine only other physical motions,
       mind and body exist in pre-established coordination, since the same self
       -consistent intelligence establishes affinities and connections within both classes.
       Another alternative, psychophysical parallelism, retains both the dualism of
(10)   mind and body and the notion of a regular correlation between mental and
       physical events, but avoids any assumption of causal mind-body connection,
       direct or indirect. Psychophysical parallelism eschews interactionism, stating
       that mental and physical could not possibly affect one another, and also rejects
       occasionalism and dual-aspect theory on the grounds that no third entity,
(15)   including a transcendent intelligence, could be responsible for such vastly different
       effects. Parallelists accept only pure correlations, not causation, between mental and
       physical events.

选项 A、Through a relationship of correlation, mental occurrences can only determine other mental occurrences.
B、Through a relationship of causation, physical occurrences can only determine other physical occurrences.
C、Mind and body exist in pre-established coordination provided by a third entity, transcendent intelligence.
D、Consciousness and extension, as separate finite qualities, may be described as distinct.
E、One of the necessary attributes of any divine essence is its infinitude.


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