
admin2017-07-11  63

问题     所谓“情境”是指喜怒哀乐的情感,这是诗的灵魂。没有浓烈的情感写不出好诗,然而表现得不好也不成其诗。如果说物境越鲜明越好,那么情境则越含蓄越好。所说的“不著一字,尽得风流”,就说的是情境。如李白的《怨情》:“美人卷珠帘,深坐颦蛾眉。但见泪痕湿,不知心恨谁?”四句诗勾出一幅素描:珠帘内一个年轻美女,久坐不动,眉头紧锁,渐渐又流出泪水。她究竟有什么幽怨呢?诗人一句也不说,让读者去体会和想象。通常这类诗都是写久被幽禁在深宫中的宫女,那么你可以想见她的苦闷。她可能怨恨父母没有把她嫁出,可能怨恨情人没有和她及早完婚,可能怨恨拉她进宫的官吏,也有可能怨恨冷落她的帝王,更有可能怨恨无情的命运……总之,由你去想象,当然是合理的想象。如果在诗中明确说出某一种怨恨,那境界就被限定,诗味就有限了。(340字)


答案 The so-called world of feelings refers to the expression of such feelings as happiness, anger, sorrow and joy, and serves as the soul of a poem. It is true that good poetry is produced out of powerful feelings, but if such feelings are not expressed well, there will not be fine poetry either. If the description of the world of objects demands the most striking characteristics, then the expression of the world of feelings calls for the greatest extent of reservedness. Just as the saying goes, "Not a single word was uttered, but all the elegance and grace was brought out." For example, in the poem titled Waiting in Vain, Li Bai wrote, "A fair girl rolls up the bead screen. With knitted brows, she waits in vain. Wet stains of tears can still be seen. Who, heartless, has caused her the pain?" This four-line poem depicts a sketch: behind the pearl curtain sits still a young beauty with knitted brows and tears rolls down her face. What kind of resentments does the beauty harbor? The poet does not give a slightest hint; he lets readers imagine and taste by themselves. Generally, such poems depicted some young maids long confined in the imperial palace, and their great sorrow and melancholy can be easily imagined. Possibly, she resents her parents who did not marry her off at an earlier date, or her lover who did not marry her in time, or the officer who forced her into the imperial palace, or the emperor who treats her coldly. More likely, she resents her ruthless fate...To be brief, the reader may exercise his imagination as freely as possible, but of course that must be reasonable. If one of the above-mentioned possibilities was clearly defined in the piece, the world of feelings would be confined and the piece would be much less poetic.

解析     本文选自著名学者刘耕路《中国的诗词曲赋》一书中的第十三章“怎样学习古典诗词”。刘耕路,男,本名刘景禄,著名学者,红学家。主要著作有:《韩愈及其作品》《中国的诗词曲赋》《中国历代帝王诗词选释》及《史记选译》等,还创作了电影文学剧本《谭嗣同》(1985年上映)。
