Welcome to the Harvard experience that awaits you. I would also like to extend a special welcome to the transfer students and th

admin2018-07-31  47

问题     Welcome to the Harvard experience that awaits you. I would also like to extend a special welcome to the transfer students and their families who are here with us this evening.
    Having just finished my freshman year as President I can recall how you must feel. There is much that I still have to learn. I think I can make one determination this evening with absolute confidence. You are without a doubt among the top two classes admitted to this University during my tenure here as President.
    But seriously, this class is a truly remarkable group of people, including professional musicians and successful entrepreneurs, published scientists and poets, star athletes and dedicated social service providers, speakers of more than a dozen languages, and experts in countless areas. Each one of you stands out for your potential.
    Reading your admissions essays, I was reminded that Newton and Einstein did most of their thinking about physics in their 20 s, Alexander conquered most of the known world by the time he was 30, and when he was the age of a Harvard graduate, Mozart had composed all of his violin concertos. Of course when he was my age, he had been dead for 14 years.
    So — not to put too much pressure on you — enjoy the rest of Freshman Week and then get cracking. But that is not to say anyone should ever feel intimidated. Everyone here belongs, and everyone will find their place.
    It was William Butler Yeats who said, " Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. " If I have but one wish for each of you, it is that in the years ahead you be set on fire, that your mind be captured by some area of human understanding, that you develop a passion for understanding, for comprehending, for progressing, that is so central to successful people everywhere. The University and its faculty have no more important goal than helping you in this quest.
    Fires cannot be controlled, passions cannot be predicted, and you are all very different people. But let me give you this advice as you embark on your journey here at Harvard.
    First, follow your passion, not your calculation.
    Pursue what captures your imagination. Don’t let anything stand in the way of your curiosity, of what you really want to do.
    Second, be open to every possibility. For most of you sitting in this place, four years from now what will have been most important at Harvard is something you do not now imagine.
    Third, learn how to learn. Any fact that you encounter in your studies now is not very likely to remain very relevant and important over your whole career, unless of course you want to retire when you are 37.
    Fourth, learn from each other. Much of the most important learning you do here will be from each other. You will maximize that learning if you take advantage of the diversity of the Harvard community, reaching out to people from very different backgrounds than your own.
    Good luck and Godspeed to all of you.


答案 欢迎各位来体验等待着大家的哈佛生活,我也特别欢迎那些转学来的同学及其家属,他们今晚也将和我们欢聚一堂。 我刚做了一年校长,所以很能体会你们此时此刻的心情。我还有很多东西需要学习。我想今晚我可以以绝对的信心下一个结论。毫无疑问,在我作为校长的任期内,你们是我校招收的最优秀的两届学生。 说真的,我们这个年级的同学确实都出类拔萃。在你们当中,有职业音乐家和成功的企业家,有著作颇丰的科学家和诗人,有杰出的运动员和真诚的社会服务工作者,有擅长十余种语言的人才和各个领域的专家。在座的每一位都因各自的潜力而出众。 在审读你们的入学作文时,我不禁想起了牛顿和爱因斯坦,他们在二十几岁的年龄段就完成对物理学的大部分思考。亚历山大征服大半个已知世界时年仅三十岁。莫扎特在哈佛学习毕业时已完成了全部小提琴协奏曲的创作。当然,到我这个年纪时,莫扎特已辞世十四年了。 当然,我不想给你们施加太多的压力,好好享受作为新生第一周剩下的时间,然后再开始拼搏。但这并不是说大家应该有一种胆怯感,你们都是这儿的一分子,你们都会找到各自的位置。 威廉-巴特勒-叶芝说过:“教育不是把桶灌满,而是要把火点燃。”如果我对你们每一个人只有一个希望的话,那就是在未来的年月,让你们被火点燃,让你们的大脑被人类思想的某些领域紧紧吸引,让你们满怀激情地去理解、去领会、去发展,这对任何有成就的人来说,都是至关重要的。哈佛大学及其全体老师最重要的使命就是协助你们去探索。 大火无法控制,激情难以预测,而诸位也是各具特色的人才。当你们开始踏上哈佛之旅时,我愿提出以下几条建议: 首先,让激情而不是算计去引导你。充分发挥你的想象力。不要让任何事情挡住你的好奇心,不要让任何事情阻止你去做真正想做的事。 其次,对每一种可能要持开放的心态。对在座的大部分人而言,在哈佛未来的四年里什么是最重要的,你现在无法想象。 第三,要学会学习。你们现在在学习中所学到的知识不一定会与你未来的职业生涯休戚相关或对其至关重要,除非你打算在37岁时退休。 第四,要互相学习。你们在这里学到的大部分最重要的知识都是从彼此之间学得的。如果你善于利用哈佛社区的多样性,善于和那些有着与完全不同背景的人交往,你就会在学习中取得最大的收获。 祝大家好运,祝你们成功!

