
admin2014-01-13  60

问题     各国文明的多样性,是人类社会的基本特征,也是推动世界文明进步的重要动力。当今世界拥有60亿人口,200多个国家和地区,2500多个民族,5000多种语言。由于历史传统、宗教信仰、文化背景、社会制度、价值观念和发展程度的不同,各国国家和地区才具有了各自鲜明的特征,整个人类文明也因此而交相辉映、多姿多彩、富有活力。我们应该尊重和维护各国文明的多样性,而不应人为歧视或贬低他国文明;应该鼓励各种文明在对话交流中相互借鉴、取长补短,而不应相互隔绝和相互排斥;应该倡导各种文明在相互包容、求同存异中共同发展,而不应强求一律、强加于人。


答案 The diverse civilizations are a hallmark of human society and an important driving force behind human progress. Our world today has over 6 billion inhabitants living in more than 200 countries and regions. They break down into over 2, 500 ethnic groups and speak more than 5, 000 different languages. Because of historical tradition, faith and culture, or social system, values and level of development, those countries or regions are often different from one another. It is these differences that make our planet dazzling, colorful and bustling with life. Such diversity is a legacy of history and will keep on living into the future. Instead of harboring bias against or deliberately belittling other civilizations, we should give full respect to the diversity of civilizations. Instead of shutting each other out in mutual exclusion, we should encourage dialog and exchange between civilizations so that we can learn from each other in mutual emulation. Instead of demanding all civilizations in the course of mutual tolerance and seeking agreement while shelving differences. The increasing interaction and interdependence among countries, thanks to surging economic globalization and technological revolution, does not mean that the status and role of sovereignty can in any way be neglected or weakened. It is imperative to have greater democracy in international relations. Facts have proven that such practices as disregarding other’s sovereignty, bullying the small and the weak by dint of one’s size and power, and pursuing hegemony and power politics would not get anywhere.

