多数科学家相信,石油是由数万亿年之前亿万个生活在海洋里的微小动植物遗体的分解物形成的。在这些生物死亡之后,遗体即腐烂,经过数百万年之后,便在海洋底部形成了矿泥层;由于地壳运动的挤压和由此产生的热量的共同作用,这些矿泥层就变成了石油。 石油分馏物(组成

admin2014-10-03  76

问题     多数科学家相信,石油是由数万亿年之前亿万个生活在海洋里的微小动植物遗体的分解物形成的。在这些生物死亡之后,遗体即腐烂,经过数百万年之后,便在海洋底部形成了矿泥层;由于地壳运动的挤压和由此产生的热量的共同作用,这些矿泥层就变成了石油。    石油分馏物(组成称为石油的混合物的东西)及其副产品多得不可胜数:有小汽车用的汽油,火车、公共汽车和载重卡车用的柴油,航空汽油,各种发动机用的润滑油,发电站和轮船用的重油,铺路的沥青,制造塑料、合成纤维乃至合成食品的石油化学产品,等等。今天,没有石油产品的世界几乎是不可想象的。


答案 Most scientists believe that oil was formed from the anaerobic decay of minute creatures and plants in the sea millions of billions of years ago. The dead bodies of the creatures rotted and formed layers of slime after millions of years, and through pressure and the resulting rising temperature, these layers turned into oil. Oil fraction(forms what is called the oil mixture)and its other by-products are countless: gasoline used by cars, diesel used by trains, buses and trucks, aviation gasoline, lubricating oil for all kinds of engines, heavy oil for power stations and ships, asphalt for building roads, chemical oil products for the manufacture of plastic, synthetic fiber or even synthetic food and so on. Today, a world without oil products is unimaginable.

