During the last 15 years, the Earth’s surface temperature rose at a rate of 0.04℃ a decade, far slower than the 0.18℃) increase

admin2023-01-04  53

问题     During the last 15 years, the Earth’s surface temperature rose at a rate of 0.04℃ a decade, far slower than the 0.18℃) increase in the 1990s. Meanwhile, emissions of carbon dioxide rose【C1】________This pause in warming has raised【C2】________in the public mind about climate change. A few skeptics say that global warming has stopped. Others argue scientists’ understanding of the climate is so flawed that their judgments cannot be【C3】________ with any confidence. A convincing explanation of the pause therefore【C4】________both to a proper understanding of the climate and to the【C5】________of climate science.
    As evidence piled up that temperatures were not rising much, some scientists【C6】________it as a pause. The temperature had fallen for much longer periods twice in the past century or so,【C7】________the general trend was up. Variability is part of the climate system and a 15-year【C8】________was not worth getting excited about.
    An【C9】________way of looking at the pause’s significance was to say there had been a slowdown. Most records don’t include measurements from the Arctic, which has been warming faster than anywhere else. Using satellite data to【C10】________the missing Arctic numbers, scientists put the overall rate of global warming at 0.12℃ a decade. A study by NASA puts the "Arctic【C11】________over the same period【C12】________lower, at 0.07℃ a decade, but that is still not【C13】________.
    It is also worth remembering that average warming is not the only【C14】________of climate change. According to a study, the number of hot days, the number of extremely hot days and the【C15】________of warm periods all【C16】________ during the pause. A more stable average temperature hides wider extremes.
    Still, attempts to【C17】________that stable average have not been convincing, partly because of the conflict between【C18】________temperatures and rising CO2 emissions, and partly because observed temperatures are now falling【C19】________the range climate models predict. The models embody the state of climate knowledge. If they are wrong, the knowledge is probably【C20】________too. Hence, scientists still attempt hard to interpret the pause.

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解析 该句的两个partly because表明上文的attempts无法让人信服的依据。第二个涉及两组数据的对照,只有不相吻合,才会让解释不具有说服力。D项outside代入后,表示观察到的温度下降至超出气候模式预估的范围,说明两组数据并不一致,符合逻辑要求。A项to代入后指“气温下降至预估范围”,暗示之前观察到的气温不在范围值内,上下文没有此语义依据。同理,需排除B项above(在……之上)。C项within代入后指气温虽下降,但在预估范围之内,这与下文内容不一致,因为它不会导致认为气候模式可能出错的观点。
