Attention passengers with tickets on the four-thirty express train bound for Bloomington, Forest Hill, and Rosedale. Unfortunate

admin2011-01-20  58

问题     Attention passengers with tickets on the four-thirty express train bound for Bloomington, Forest Hill, and Rosedale. Unfortunately, this train has been delayed for thirty minutes. It will now be leaving at five o’clock on track thirteen. We apologize for any inconvenience.


答案 At|ten|tion pas|sen|gers with tick|ets ? on the four thir|ty ex|press train (?) bound for Bloom|ing|ton, (↗) ? For|est Hill, (↗) ? and Rose|dale. (↘) ? Un|for|tu|nate|ly. (↗) ? this train has been de|layed ? for thirjty min|utes. ? It will now be leav|ing ? at five o’ clock ? on track thirteen. ? We a|pol|o|gize ? for a|ny in|con|ve|ni|ence.

