In contrast to Disney World, one of the characters in the service sector is that ______. In Old South, New South, Gavin Wright

admin2009-04-26  39

问题 In contrast to Disney World, one of the characters in the service sector is that ______.
In Old South, New South, Gavin Wright believes that ______.

选项 A、the more investment the more returns in the South.
B、labour unions get in the way of development of the North.
C、more experts came to the South because of its climate.
D、the legal environment plays a part in the development of the South.


解析 文章第三段结尾In his book Old South,New South,Gavin Wright lists four reasons why Federal defence spending stimulated growth. Sunshine attracted skilled professionals...,without strong labour unions, entrenched...,the potential returns were higher than in the north.此题为人物观点题,近几年考题经常出现,例如2007年第1篇文章的24题;2006年第3篇文章的32题。此类型题目答案点分布广泛,很难从原文中直接得出答案,需先阅读四个选项,然后再对应原文分析。文中提到"without entrenched bureaucracies,restrictive laws or outdated machinery"表明南部没有那些根深蒂固的官僚作风,也没有繁琐的司法制度,这就促进外来投资和移民。因此D正确。文中虽然提到南方比北方的投资回报大,但没有讲投资与回报的关系,故A不对。没有强大的工会组织可能有助于南部的发展,但北方的工会组织并不一定会阻碍其发展,因此B也是错误的。C选项中谈到一些专家来南方是因为气候原因,在此,有些同学曲解了sunshine的意思,其本意是阳光,但后文又提及clean slate(无不良记录),目的是要表明sunshine是指"公开透明的阳光制度"。谨记:表达单词表面含义的答案往往是错误的选项。
