A、The room is as dark as the night. B、He doesn’t know what the notice is about either. C、He doesn’t like the woman’s idea. D、He

admin2015-03-20  28

W: There is a limit of three books each person, but you took four books.
M: Thank you for telling me this. I’ll drop this one and be certain to return the other three on time.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
W: Do you have any idea what this notice is about? I have thought about it for a whole day.
M: Let me see. Oh, I’m as in the dark as you are.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、The room is as dark as the night.
B、He doesn’t know what the notice is about either.
C、He doesn’t like the woman’s idea.
D、He doesn’t notice anything.


解析 女士让男士看一则通知的内容,还说她看了一天都没弄明白,男士看后说他也像女士一样看不明白这则通知在讲什么(I’m as in the dark as you are),故答案为B)。
