
admin2022-12-27  84

问题 在中国先民的心目中,龙既然是神物,当然也就在观念上将龙同祥瑞联系到一起了。人们用龙比喻美好的事物,龙的形象深入到社会生活的方方面面。在各种艺术作品中,在语言文字中,在各类手工艺上,都不乏龙的形象。“食”的领域更是与龙结下了不解之缘。食品中有龙虾、龙井茶、龙须面等。这些食品名称,有的是取其形似,有的则是寓意吉祥。此外,在元宵节人们要舞龙灯,端午节要赛龙舟,这些都属于与龙相关的文化活动。


答案Ancient Chinese people believed that, since the dragon was holy, it was naturally connected with auspiciousness. People link the dragon with favorableness and the image of the dragon has become an integral symbol of social life. The image of the dragon is ever present in a variety of works of art, in language and scripts, and in all kinds of artifacts. Culinary culture has also forged indissoluble connection with the dragon. In terms of food names, there are longxia (lobsters), Longjing Tea (which originates in Longjing Village, West Lake District), longxu mian (fine noodles), etc. Some of these names are derived from their shapes which resemble the form of the dragon and some are named for the sake of denoting good fortune. In addition, on the Lantern Festival people perform the Dragon Lantern Dance and on the Dragon Boat Festival people race dragon boats. These are all cultural activities related to the dragon.

