Here are Sofia Franco, the food writer and stylist’s top 11 tips for a healthy diet: 1. Drink lots of water. Take a 1.5 liter bo

admin2013-10-28  25

问题 Here are Sofia Franco, the food writer and stylist’s top 11 tips for a healthy diet:
1. Drink lots of water. Take a 1.5 liter bottle of water to work with you and try to finish it all by home time.
2. Eat five portions of fruit and【B1】______ every day.
3. Never skip【B2】______.
4. Plan your meals the week【B3】______. Write a shopping list and stick to it. Use the Internet where possible and never shop when you’re hungry.
5. Keep a supply of【B4】______ snacks to hand, such as fresh and dried fruit,【B5】______cereal bars, rice cakes, low-fat fruit yoghurts and whole meal pita and hummus.
6. Remove all visible fat from food before you cook it. Take the skin off chicken and trim the white fat off any meat. Don’t eat【B6】______, because the fat’s not visible from the outside but it’s certainly there.
7. Limit stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol and【B7】______ sugar.
8. Limit the number of times you eat out to once a week. Take your own packed lunch to work or choose soup in the canteen, but【B8】______ ones.
9. Take your time.【B9】______. And don’t do denial, or you’ll only end up cracking.
10. Only eat things you like the taste of.【B10】______
11. And finally... enjoy these lovely recipes.【B11】______


答案Don’t cut out food groups all together,such as bread or meat,in a bid to lose weight quicMy,because your body needs balance

解析 听音的关键词food group可以使人联想到一些食物分类的常识:食物分为碳水化合物(米、面、面包等),肉类、蔬菜类、水果类等。句子较短,结构简单,几乎全部都是关键词,不需要重构。
