You will hear a radio presenter interviewing a business man called Bob Seelert. For each question(23-30), mark one letter(A,
You will hear a radio presenter interviewing a business man called Bob Seelert. For each question(23-30), mark one letter(A,
You will hear a radio presenter interviewing a business man called Bob Seelert.
For each question(23-30), mark one letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer.
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
Why did Bob Seelert set high expectations for his staff?
You will hear a radio presenter interviewing a business man called Bob Seelert.
For each question, 23-30, mark one letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer.
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You now have 45 seconds to read through the questions.
Now listen, and mark A, Bor C.
Woman: For the past 12 years Bob SeelertNs been the Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi, one of the world’s leading creative ideas companies. Today we have him here to share his career path. Good evening. Mr. Seelert. You’ve had a long and illustrious career. How do you think things have changed for CEOs and other C-level executives compared to when you started in business? Do you think things are tougher now, or require adoption of a different approach?
Man: I suppose there are many things that have changed, but just as many things that are timeless. The whole challenge of leadership, how to be a great leader is, I think, fundamentally the same today as it was back when I got started. Leaders have to do three things. They have to set direction for the enterprise. They have to establish standards or expectations for how the enterprise is going to perform. And once they have those two things in place, they have to unleash the energy of the organisation to empower people to go out and get the job done, because you can’t get the job done alone.
Woman: Okay, let’s talk a little about setting the right direction. What does this involve?
Man: Setting direction is all about having an inspirational dream for the company. We wrote our inspirational dream at Saatchi & Saatchi back in 1996: "To be revered as the hothouse for world-changing ideas that create sustainable growth for our clients." I think that’s 17 words or thereabouts, and you should be able to do this in 20 words or less so that everybody in the organisation can metaphorically tape the strategy to their forehead. It needs to be short enough and memorable enough so that every single person in the company can be expected to know what this is. Everywhere I go in Saatchi & Saatchi, I always start off with a reminder of this. Our inspirational dream is to be revered as the hothouse for world-changing ideas that create sustainable growth for our clients. That’s why we’re here. That’s what inspires customers and employees to come to cur company. So that’s what an inspirational dream is: it’s an expression of who you are and what you’re all about and how you’re going to go forward as a company. For us, this is a timeless thing. We’ve been caught up in the difficulties of the 2009 economic environment, but we haven’t changed a word of our inspirational dream. When you can write it and it can sustain you in good times and bad, it’s a really powerful statement.
Woman: I guess this leads naturally into the idea of maintaining high standards. How have you consistently achieved this in your career?
Man: I’ve always tried to establish high standards and expectations; some of my core values in that regard have been a belief in the long term, a belief in growth, a belief in continuous improvement, and a belief in out-competing all of the companies in our peer group so that we grow faster than them. But you can set standards of performance for any job. So take my PA at Saatchi & Saatchi, for instance. I remember saying to her, "Look, your job is to help ensure that I am successful in what I do. And the standard of performance for your job is going to be what I call flawless execution’. You will make sure that I am always in the right place at the right time fully prepared with everything I need in order to perform at my best. That will happen 100-percent of the time. And it’ll happen flawlessly. I’ll never be late. I’ll never be in the wrong place. I’ll never arrive at the airport and find that I didn’t have a ticket, or at a restaurant and I didn’t have a booking, or whatever. We set a clear standard of what expectations were going to be for what the job was, and she performed them ’flawlessly’.
Woman; Would you say you’re a tough boss?
Man: I’d say I’m a person who sets high expectations and then recognises and rewards people for performing them. A football coach of an American football team once said, "Expect a lot of your people. They’ll usually meet it." And quite frankly, I think one of the things that maybe some people don’t do is they don’t set expectations high enough. They don’t encourage people to come forward and perform at the level that they could be capable of if you made it clear what their performance levels should be. And this is where the third element of leadership unleashing the energy of the organisation comes in, because a lot of that has to do with communications. It is making sure that people know that you want and expect them to contribute, and that you’re going to recognise and reward them when they do.
Woman: I see. Thanks you very much for coming here to share your valuable experience. Hope to see you next time.
Man: Thank you.
A、He is a tough boss.
B、He knows his staff would do it.
C、He wants to inspire his staff.
该题所问的是Bob为什么对职员设立高标准。Bob在回答主持人的问题时说道:“And quite frankly,I think one of the things that maybe some people don’t do is theydon’t set expectations high enough.”并引用一个足球教练的话Expect a lot of yourpeople.They’ll usually meet it.据此可知,他认为给员工设立高标准,是在鼓励员工,让他们知道他们能够达到这个标准。故可排除A、B项,确定C项正确。
A、 B、 C、 AYes,yourwifecalledanswerstheyes/noquestiondoIhaveanymessages.Choice(B)confusesthesim
A、 B、 C、 A(A)意思是很难预测出此次选举谁会胜出,在意思上前后衔接顺畅,故为正确答案。(B)疑问词引导的疑问句不适合用Idon’tthinkso.来回答。(C)使用与election有关的词decided