The development of society seemingly endows people with the right to savor the whole world, but some people claim that tourism w

admin2014-09-17  58

问题     The development of society seemingly endows people with the right to savor the whole world, but some people claim that tourism will soon become obsolete for people can enjoy a glimpse of wherever they want to go without even leaving their home. Do you agree with them? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.
    In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
    Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 Tourism Spurred by Technological Advancement In any society, there are people that are born to travel and there are homebodies who are happy with where they are, with no desire to go anywhere else at all. Most people probably fall somewhere in between the two extremes. As television channels have become more numerous and computer connections have become faster and more easily available, there is more information on hand to the average person than ever before in history. But rather than making tourism obsolete, the Internet and television will spur more people to travel to places that they otherwise would never have known. First of all, the information technology age will likely also drive more people to tourism through the sheer increase in information available to the average person. Access to knowledge about any country is as close as an individual’s desktop computer. The more countries and regions an individual can become familiar with, the greater the likelihood that he or she will find a place that he or she would like to visit in person. Hiking the Grand Canyon in the United States or scuba diving around the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is not the same as watching it on television or the Internet. Snow skiing in the Swiss Alps or breathing in the fresh air of the Scottish is truly enjoyed with experiencing. Previously unknown island paradises and countries are now making themselves famous through the use of television and the World Wide Web, trying to cash in on the billions of dollars that are spent every year on tourism. Global incomes have also increased, allowing more and more people in more countries to afford traveling for a vacation. Moreover, incredible changes in vehicles for transportation have made travel not only safer but faster and more comfortable as well. High-speed magnetic levitation (maglev) trains can transport people safely at speeds of up to three hundred miles an hour in parts of Europe and Japan. The Concorde jet can transport people from New York to London in less than four hours in luxurious comfort. Gigantic cruise ships that can sail to almost any ocean ports have been built that rival any five star land-based hotels anywhere in the world. There have even been space tourists who have traveled into outer space to the International Space Station and returned safely to Earth. More places than ever before are now accessible by rapid and reliable transportation. While it is likely that there are people that will do their traveling "virtually" through television or the computer, it is equally likely that even without the availability of such a wealth of information, they would not have traveled anyway. Technology only increases the knowledge that is easily available; it cannot dampen the enthusiasm for tourism in those that love to travel.

解析     文章单刀直入地提出了作者的观点,即不赞同题目中人们的说法。在正文部分.作者分两段进行论述,分别集中在通讯技术的进步和交通工具的发达两个方面。第一方面重点论述的是虽然信息科技的进步让人们的信息量与以前不可同日而语,但真正亲身经历才能收获更大的快感。当中作者举了大量的实例,如畅游美国大峡谷、潜水大堡礁、滑雪阿尔卑斯山等,更能引人人胜。第二方面集中阐述交通工具方面的进步,使人们出行不仅更快捷,也更安全。作者同样引述了水陆空交通工具作为实例支撑,显得论证更加充分.令人信服。
