Most online fraud involves identity theft, which is why businesses that operate on the web have a keen interest in distinguishin

admin2019-11-19  34

问题    Most online fraud involves identity theft, which is why businesses that operate on the web have a keen interest in distinguishing impersonator from genuine customers. Passwords help. But many can be guessed or are jotted down imprudently. Newer phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers often have beefed-up security with fingerprint and facial recognition. But these can be spoofed. To overcome these shortcomings, the next level of security is likely to identify people using things which are harder to copy, such as the way they walk.
   Many online security services already use a system called device finger printing. This employs software to note things like the model type of a gadget employed by a particular user; its hardware configuration; its operating system; the apps which have been downloaded onto it; and other features, including sometimes the Wi-Fi networks it regularly connects through hand devices like headsets it plugs into.
   The results are sufficient to build a profile of both the device and its user’ s habits. If something unusual is then spotted—say, a bank detects access to an account from a phone with a different profile from that which a customer usually uses—it can take appropriate measures. For example, additional security questions can be posed.
   LexisNexis Risk Solutions, an American analytics firm, has catalogued more than 4bn phones, tablets and other computers in this way for banks and other clients. Roughly 7% of them have been used for shenanigans of some sort. But device fingerprinting is becoming less useful. Apple,Google and other makers of equipment and operating systems have been steadily restricting the range of attributes that can be observed remotely. The reason for doing this is to limit the amount of personal information that could fall into unauthorised hands. But such restrictions also make it harder to distinguish illegitimate from legitimate users.
   That is why a new approach, behavioural biometrics, is gaining ground. It relies on the wealth of measurements made by today’ s devices. These include data from accelerometers and gyroscopic sensors that reveal how people hold their phones when using them, how they carry them and even the way they walk. Touch screens, keyboards and mice can be monitored to show the distinctive ways in which someone’ s fingers and hands move. Sensors can detect whether a phone has been set down on a hard surface such as a table or dropped lightly on a soft one such as a bed. If the hour is appropriate, this action could be used to assume when a user has retired for the night. These traits can then be used to determine whether someone attempting to make a transaction is likely to be the device’ s habitual user.
   Behavioural biometrics make it possible to identify an individual’s "unique motion fingerprint", says John Whaley, head of UnifyID, a firm in Silicon Valley that is involved in the field. With the right software, data from a phone’ s sensors can reveal details as personal as which part of someone’ s foot strikes the pavement first, and how hard; the length of a walker’s stride; the number of strides per minute; and the swing and spring in the walker’ s hips and step. It can also work out whether the phone in question is in a handbag, a pocket or held in a hand.
   Used unwisely, however, the system could become yet another electronic spy on people’ s privacy, permitting complete strangers to monitor your every action, from the moment you reach for your phone in the morning, to when you fling it on the floor at night.
What will the product do if there is something unusual in device fingerprinting system?

选项 A、It will send messages to the user.
B、It will pose additional security questions.
C、It will observe remotely for an opportunity to revise.
D、It will do in accordance with its natural tendency.


解析 根据题干关键词可定位到文章第二、三段。题干意为“如果在设备指纹识别系统中出现异常情况,该产品将如何处理?”由文意可知,第三段最后一句是本题答案所在,即“如果有不寻常的事情发生——比如说.银行检测到从与客户通常使用的手机配置不同的账户访问——它可以采取适当的措施。例如,可以提出其他安全问题”,只有B项“它将提出额外的问题(以保障账户安全)”与文意一致,所以B项正确。A项“它将向用户发送消息”、C项“它将远程观察,寻找修正的机会”和D项“它会顺其自然”均不符合文意。故本题选B。
