Strategies for Public Speaking What’s great about public speaking is that it’s a learnable skill. As such, we can use the f

admin2015-06-14  27

问题                         Strategies for Public Speaking
    What’s great about public speaking is that it’s a learnable skill. As such, we can
use the following strategies to become a better speaker and presenter.
I. Plan appropriately
-tools: the Rhetorical Triangle etc.
-principle:【B1】______the audience【B1】______
-examples: an interesting statistic, headline, or fact
—seek opportunities
examples: cross-training
volunteering at team meetings
—use relevant【B3】______【B3】______
—adjust words to express smoothly
—do a trial run in front of a small audience
III. Engage with your audience
—remember to use some words less: e.g. "just", "I think"
—pay attention to the way of speech
—avoid reading【B5】______from your notes【B5】______
IV. Pay attention to your【B6】______【B6】______
—conveying inner emotion to the audience
—making your voice more active and【B7】______【B7】______
V. Think positively
—advantage: strengthen your【B8】______【B8】______
—ways:【B9】______and visualization【B9】______
VI. Cope with nerves
—focus on your audience instead of your own
—use deep【B10】______exercises【B10】______
—image making a speech to one individual not to crowds
Strategies for Public Speaking
    Good morning, everyone. Last time we learned the introduction to communication skills. This class I will introduce to you six strategies for public speaking, which will help you to become a better speaker and presenter.
    First, make sure that you plan your communication appropriately. Use tools like the Rhetorical Triangle, Monroe’s Motivated Sequence, and the 7Cs of Communication to think about how you’ll structure what you’re going to say. When you do this, think about how important a book’s first paragraph is: if it doesn’t grab you, you’re likely going to put it down.(1)The same principle goes for your speech: from the beginning, you need to intrigue your audience. For example, you could start with an interesting statistic, headline, or fact that pertains to what you’re talking about and resonates with your audience. You can also use storytelling as a powerful opener. Planning also helps you to think on your feet. This is especially important for unpredictable question and answer sessions or last-minute communications.
     (2)Next, the second strategy is to get practice, seeking opportunities to speak in front of others. For example, you could also put yourself in situations that require public speaking, such as by cross-training a group, or by volunteering to speak at team meetings. If you’re going to be delivering a presentation or prepared speech, create it as early as possible. The earlier you put it together, the more time you’ll have to practice.(3)Practice it plenty of times alone, using the resources you’ll rely on at the event, and, as you practice, adjust your words until they flow smoothly and easily. Then, if appropriate, do a dummy run in front of a small audience: this will help you calm your jitters and make you feel more comfortable with the material. Your audience can also give you useful feedback, both on your material and on your performance.
    Third, try to engage with your audience when you speak. This makes you feel less isolated as a speaker and keeps everyone involved with your message.(4)If appropriate, ask leading questions targeted to individuals or groups, and encourage people to participate and ask questions.
    Keep in mind that some words reduce your power as a speaker. For instance, think about how these sentences sound: "I just want to add that I think we can meet these goals" or "I just think this plan is a good one. " The words "just" and "I think" limit your authority and conviction. Don’t use them. Also, pay attention to how you’re speaking. If you’re nervous, you might talk quickly. This increases the chances that you’ll trip o-ver your words, or say something you don’t mean. Force yourself to slow down by breathing deeply. Don’t be afraid to gather your thoughts: pauses are an important part of conversation, and they make you sound confident, natural, and authentic.(5)Finally, avoid reading word-for-word from your notes. Instead, make a list of important points on cue cards, or, as you get better at public speaking, try to memorize what you’re going to say you can still refer back to your cue cards when you need them.
     (6)The fourth strategy is to pay attention to your body language: stand up straight, take deep breaths, look people in the eye, and smile. Don’t lean on one leg or use gestures that feel unnatural. Your body language will give your audience constant, subtle clues about your inner state. For example, many people prefer to speak behind a podium when giving presentations. While podiums can be useful for holding notes, they put a barrier between you and the audience. They can also become a "crutch", giving you a hiding place from dozens or hundreds of eyes that are on you. Instead of standing behind a podium, walk around and use gestures to engage the audience.(7)This movement and energy will also come through in your voice, making it more active and passionate.
     (8)Then is the fifth strategy, positive thinking, which can make a huge difference to the success of your communication, because it helps you feel more confident.
    Fear makes it all too easy to slip into a cycle of negative self-talk, especially right before you speak: it will lower your confidence and increase the chances that you won’t achieve what you’re truly capable of.(9)Use affirmations and visualization to raise your confidence. This is especially important right before your speech or presentation. Visualize giving a successful presentation, and imagine how you’ll feel once it’s over and when you’ve made a positive difference for others. Use positive affirmations such as "I’m grateful I have the opportunity to help my audience" or "I’m going to do well!"
    When we have to speak in front of others, we can envision terrible things happening. We imagine forgetting every point we want to make, passing out from our nervousness, or doing so horribly that we’ll lose our job. But those things almost never come to pass! We build them up in our minds and end up more nervous than we need to be. How do we cope with nerves? OK, the last strategy is to cope with nerves.
    The Inverted-UModel shows that a certain amount of pressure enhances performance. By changing your mindset, you can use nervous energy to your advantage. First, make an effort to stop thinking about yourself, your nervousness, and your fear. Instead, focus on your audience: what you’re saying is "about them." Remember that you’re trying to help or educate them in some way, and your message is more important than your fear. Concentrate on the audience’s wants and needs, instead of your own.(10)If time allows, use deep breathing exercises to slow your heart rate and give your body the oxygen it needs to perform. This is especially important right before you speak. Take deep breaths from your belly, hold each one for several seconds, and let it out slowly. Crowds are more intimidating than individuals, so think of your speech as a conversation that you’re having with one person. Although your audience may be 100 people, focus on one friendly face at a time, and talk to that person as if he or she is the only one in the room.
    All right, that is basically what I can tell you today: six strategies for public speaking. Next time we will study tips for managing public speaking anxiety. Thank you for your attention.



