Ten years ago it appeared that nuclear power would solve the anticipated energy crisis. Although supplies of uranium fuel were k

admin2012-05-18  57

问题     Ten years ago it appeared that nuclear power would solve the anticipated energy crisis. Although supplies of uranium fuel were known to be limited and might become exhausted in half a century, the nuclear power plant has for a long time been favorite project. But work on it has met with grave problems. The fear of possible atomic explosion and the problems of disposing of polluting by-product waste have been slowed down the construction of further nuclear plants. Eventually atomic technology may be able to control these problems, but at present there seems to be a little agreement among atomic scientists about when this can be achieved.


答案 十年前,核能源似乎能够解决预期的能源危机。尽管铀燃料的供应有限并且在半个世纪内可能会枯竭是众人皆知的事,但长久以来核电站一直是受人欢迎的项目。然而,原子能发电站的工作已面临严重的问题。由于对可能发生的核爆炸所产生的恐惧以及污染性废料的难以处理,减缓了核电站进一步的建设。原子能技术最终是有可能解决这些难题的。但对于何时才能实现这种可能性,目前在原子能科学家中似乎还未达成一致见解。

