中国是世界上最大的国家之一,她的领土约和整个欧洲的面积相等。在我们这片广大的领土上,广阔的肥田沃地,是我们衣食之源;纵横全国的大小山脉,生长着茂密的森林,贮藏着丰富的矿产(mineral deposits);众多的江河湖泽,给我们以舟楫和灌溉之利;而漫长的

admin2014-02-25  59

问题     中国是世界上最大的国家之一,她的领土约和整个欧洲的面积相等。在我们这片广大的领土上,广阔的肥田沃地,是我们衣食之源;纵横全国的大小山脉,生长着茂密的森林,贮藏着丰富的矿产(mineral deposits);众多的江河湖泽,给我们以舟楫和灌溉之利;而漫长的海岸线,为我们与海外各民族交往提供方便。自古以来,我们的祖先就在这片广大的土地之上劳动、生息和繁殖。


答案 China is one of the largest countries in the world, her territory being about the size of the whole of Europe. In the vast country of ours there are large areas of fertile land which provide us with food and clothing; mountain ranges across its length and breadth with extensive forests and rich mineral deposits; many rivers and lakes which provide us with water transport and irrigation, and a long coastline which facilitates communications with nations beyond the seas. From ancient times our forefathers have laboured, lived and multiplied on this vast territory.

