You were unable to attend the examination on English Writing by Mr. White because you got sick in the morning. Write a letter to

admin2016-06-25  22

问题     You were unable to attend the examination on English Writing by Mr. White because you got sick in the morning. Write a letter to express the reason for not being able to attend it and apologize.
    1. You should write about 100 words.
    2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead.
    3. Do not write the address.


答案 Dear Mr. White, I am writing to express my regret about being unable to attend the English Writing exam tomorrow morning because I was diagnosed with flu this morning. It just happened out of the blue. I felt faint and feverish when getting up this morning and went to a doctor, who informed me that I caught the flu and need treatment in isolation. I hope you would give me a chance to take a make-up examination. Still, I feel terribly sorry for my absence and the inconvenience thus caused. I sincerely hope that you will accept my apology and take good care of yourself in this flu season. Yours truly, Li Ming

解析     从指令要求即可判断本篇作文为道歉类信函。道歉对象为Mr.White,原因为突发疾病而不能参加考试,考生可在此基础上丰富内容,充实原因并提出补救办法。应用文写作篇幅有限,但考生要在有限的字数内澄清事件的前因后果,并保证逻辑连贯。鉴于收信人的身份是老师,所以语气要谦卑有礼,态度要真诚恳切,切莫一味找借口为自己辩护。
