A、Go to a different doctor. B、Ask her doctor for a different medication. C、Change her appointment. D、Avoid taking any medication

admin2015-07-16  18

W:I’m sure glad that today’s physics class is over! What did you think of the lecture?
M:I was lost. I couldn’t follow a word Professor Smith said.
Q: What does the man mean?
M:Are your allergies acting up again? I thought your doctor gave you medication for that last week.
W:He did, but so far it’s not helping much. I’m going to have to go back and try to get it changed.
Q: What will the? woman probably do?

选项 A、Go to a different doctor.
B、Ask her doctor for a different medication.
C、Change her appointment.
D、Avoid taking any medication.


解析 “allergy”是“敏感症”的意思;“act up”是指“(旧病等)复发,恶化”。这道题的关键在于弄清“get it changed”中的代词“it”指代的内容是医生上周给W开的药物。可见,W打算让医生给她换一种药。正确答案是B。
