The biographer should sternly confine himself to his functions as introducer; and should give no more discussion than is clearly

admin2016-03-22  102

问题     The biographer should sternly confine himself to his functions as introducer; and should give no more discussion than is clearly necessary for making the book an independent whole. A little analysis of motive may be necessary here and there; when, for example, your hero has put his hand in somebody’s pocket and you have to demonstrate that his conduct was due to sheer absence of mind. But you must always remember that a single concrete fact, or a saying into which a man has put his whole soul, is worth pages of psychological analysis. We may argue till Doomsday about Swift’s character, his single phrase about "dying like a poisoned rat in a hole" tells us more than all the commentators. The book should be the man himself speaking or acting, and nothing but the man. It should be such a portrait as reveals the essence of character; and the writer who gives anything that does not tell upon the general effect is like the portrait-painter who allows the chairs and tables or even the coat and cravat, to distract attention from the face. The really significant anecdote is often all that survives of a life; and such anecdotes must be made to tell properly, instead of being hidden away in a wilderness of the commonplace; they should be a focus of interest, instead of a fallible extract for a book of miscellanies. How much would be lost of Johnson if we suppress the incident of the penance at Uttoxter! It is such incidents that in books, as often in life, suddenly reveal to us whole regions of sentiment but never rise to the surface in the ordinary routine of our day.


答案 传记作家应当严格地将自己限定在介绍人的角色,没有明显的必要,不应当给予太多讨论,应当让书成为独立的整体。当然,偶尔加人一些动机分析,是有必要的。例如,当你的作品中的主角将手伸入别人的口袋时,你必须要解释他的行为纯粹是因为心不在焉。但是你必须要记住当一个人用全部灵魂去完成一件具体的事情或一生都在践行一句承诺时,这种行为值得大量的心理分析。我们一直在讨论斯威夫特笔下的人物,他的那一句“像中毒的老鼠一样在洞中慢慢死去”比所有的评论家告诉我们的都多。传记应当是书中人物本人在讲述或者表演,只有他自己,绝无他人。人物描写应当表现出人物的精髓,作家可以给出一些不会影响总体效果的描述,就像是肖像画家允许桌子椅子甚至是衣服或领结分散人们对肖像面部的注意力。真正重要的事件通常与生存相关,轶事必须恰当地讲出来,而不是淹没在平凡无奇的琐事中。这些轶事应当是公众兴趣的焦点,而不是从各种杂集中摘录的不可靠的信息。如果我们隐瞒了约翰逊曾在Uttoxter大学受苦受难的经历,那将会是莫大的损失。不管是在书中还是在现实生活中,是这些小事件向我们展现了所有的情感,但是在日常生活中这些小事件却从来不为人所道。

