Introduction and Interview Introduction (compulsory) Good morning/afternoon. My name is Can you tell m

admin2012-01-16  36

问题     Introduction and Interview
    Introduction (compulsory)
    Good morning/afternoon. My name is              
    Can you tell me your full name, please?
    What should I call you?
    Could you tell me where you’re from?
    Can I see your identification, please?
    Thank you. Now in this first part I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.
    Interview (choose 1 )
    Let’s talk about where you live.
    Tell me about the area where you live.
    What do you find most enjoyable about living there? Why?
    What is the area where you live famous or well known for?
    Let’s talk about your studies.
    How long have you been studying English?
    What do you like most about studying English?
    Why are you sitting the IELTS test?
    Interview (choose 2)
    Now let’s talk about transport.
    What is your preferred mode of transport? Why?
    Do most of your friends use this method of transport to get around?
    Are there any problems traveling around your city? Why?
    In what way do these problems affect you?
    Now let’s talk about a regular day for you.
    Tell me about a typical day for you.
    Which time of day do you prefer? Why?
    Do you think you will always prefer this time of day? Why/Why not?
    Are there any times of day that you don’t like? Why?
    Now let’s talk about collecting things.
    Do you or anyone you know collect things? Why/Why not?
    How does she go about collecting these items?
    How long has she been collecting these items?
    What is the value in collecting things do you think?


答案The area I live in is located in the suburbs of quite a big city, but it’s a very clean and safe neighborhood, which has lots of young families and old people. The thing that I find most enjoyable is that we have a garden and lots of parks and reserves nearby my house, so it’s quite an attractive area to live in for that reason. Well, I wouldn’t say that it is particularly famous for anything special, but there is a really popular shopping centre just down the road, which people come to from all over the city. So that’s what people who live in my city think of when they think of my suburb. I’ve been studying English only for a short time, for a couple of years, l started learning when I went abroad to Australia on an exchange programmed in my last year of high school. For me, it’s not so much that I like studying it but when I reach a point of fluency, I really enjoy the opportunities that speaking English opens up for me. I’m taking the IELTS test because I would really love to go back to Australia to go to university in Melbourne, where I hope to study economics and accounting. The way I prefer to get around is by train or subway. I like it because you never have to wait very long for the next train, and you can read a book or whatever on the train without feeling sick. Plus you can also walk around while the train is moving, which I like. Yes, it’s the cheapest and most convenient way to travel around my city. Buses are hopeless and never run on time, so everyone takes the trains. The city is pretty much gridlocked during rush hour, every weekday morning and evening. That’s the main problem and I think as a result of that, more and more people are using public transport or traveling off peak if they can. To be honest, they don’t really affect me at all, thank goodness. The subway station is close to my house, and the trains run on time and of course they are not affected by peak traffic or anything. The only thing is that they are quite crowded now. On a typical day, like a weekday, I get up at around 7.30 a.m., have a shower and grab breakfast on the way to university. Then it’s lectures all day until about 5 p.m., when I get the train home and help my dad cook dinner. After dinner I might chat with my friends or watch television, then I go to bed at around midnight. I’m not really sure. Probably the late morning, because I think that’s when my brain comes to life, just before lunch. I always get a lot done at this time of day. Possibly not. Maybe as i get older I’ll learn to love the early mornings, like my mum, but somehow I don’t think so! It’s hard to say really. Well yes, I hate mornings. It doesn’t seem to matter what time I wake up, I always feel tired so I really can’t stand early mornings. They’re a terrible time of day because then you know you have to get up. Let me think. Yes, actually, my grandmother collects tea towels I’m around the world. Every time someone goes on a holiday they have to bring her one back. I’m not sure why, I think it’s just something she started when she was younger and now it’s a habit. Whenever her friends or family go away, they know they should bring back a tea towel for grandma so it’s quite easy really— they just go into the nearest tourist souvenir shop and buy one for her, pack it in their luggage and bring it home. I’m not exactly sure, but I think she started when she and my grandfather went on a trip to Europe, and everything was so expensive that she brought us back tea towels as souvenirs because they were cheap and easy to bring home. I think she would have been about 45 or something at that stage. For her, it’s a way to feel like she’s been traveling to these places. And of course there is a sentimental value to each tea towel, and the story of how she came to get it. Yes, it’s mainly sentimental value I suppose.

