There is little point in looking to artists for insights into political issues. Most of them hold political views that are less

admin2014-10-21  41

问题 There is little point in looking to artists for insights into political issues. Most of them hold political views that are less insightful than those of any reasonably well-educated person who is not an artist. Indeed, when taken as a whole, the statements made by artists, including those considered to be great, indicate that artistic talent and political insight are rarely found together. Which one of the following can be inferred from the passage?

选项 A、There are no artists who have insights into political issues.
B、A thorough education in art makes a person reasonably well educated.
C、Every reasonably well-educated person who is not an artist has more insight into political issues than any artist.
D、Politicians rarely have any artistic talent.
E、Some artists are no less politically insightful than some reasonable well-educated persons who are not artists.


解析 我们应当注意在逻辑论证中,如果一个命题正确,那么这个命题的逆否命题也正确。本题的结论为大多数的艺术家都比那些受过相当良好的教育但不是艺术家的人中的任何人缺乏政治洞察力。该结论的逆否命题为不是每一个受过良好教育但不是艺术家的人都比所有的艺术家具有更深刻的政治洞察力,也就是说有些艺术家在政治问题上的洞察力比某些受过相当良好的教育但不是艺术家的人强,所以(E)为正确答案;(A)、(C)是明显错误的;(D)不能从短文中合理地推出;从文中不能得出完善的艺术教育与相当良好的教育之间的必然性,所以(B)也是错误的。
