"It is better to give than to receive. "; "Beware of Greeks(ancient, of course)bearing gifts. " Gifts are a fundamental element

admin2015-04-24  23

问题     "It is better to give than to receive. "; "Beware of Greeks(ancient, of course)bearing gifts. " Gifts are a fundamental element of culture and our lives as social an important part of our business relationships.
    There are occasions when giving a gift surpasses spoken communication, since the message it offers can cut through barriers of language and cultural diversity. Present a simple gift to your host in a foreign country and the chances are he or she will understand you perfectly, though you may not understand a single word of each other’s languages. It can convey wealth of meaning about your appreciation of their hospitality and the importance you place upon the relationship.
    Combine the act of giving with some knowledge of and sensitivity to the culture of the recipient and you have an invaluable chance to earn respect and lay the foundations of a durable and mutually beneficial business relationship. For all countries, take account of climate, especially in regard to clothing. Some gifts can be ruined by extremely hot or humid climates, possibly causing their receiver considerable anguish. Consider the kinds of products that are abundant in the country concerned and try for something that is uncommon there. Think about the level of language skills: a book with hundreds of pages of English text may be at best useless, at worst embarrassing, to a person with limited English. Inform yourself as much as possible about local customs, rules and etiquette, especially to do with wrapping, presenting, superstitions, taboos and, importantly, customs. The following is a brief account of the etiquette of gift giving in some countries of Asia.
    For Thailand, gifts should not be wrapped or packaged in black. Modest gifts, like ties, scarves and key rings are much appreciated. Traditionally, sharp objects like knives or even letter openers are not given as gifts. Laos has virtually no cultural taboo items. It would be difficult to offend with virtually any gift. Gifts are normally exchanged at the beginning of meetings with Japanese and should be given and received with both hands. It is seen as impolite to give an unwrapped gift. The emphasis should be on high quality, though not necessarily expensive, items.
    There are no special gift giving customs in Vietnam, but the Vietnamese are enthusiastic gift givers and like very much to receive them as well. Liquor and wine can be problematic for reasons pertaining to Vietnamese tastes rather than morality or religion.
Which of the following is NOT stated or implied in the passage?

选项 A、Both hands should be used when giving or receiving gifts in Asian countries.
B、It is not difficult to choose gifts for the Laos.
C、In Japan, even a very modest gift is supposed to be well packaged.
D、Small gifts will be much appreciated by the Thais.


解析 细节判断题。由原文第四段第六句可知选项A是正确答案,因为作者提到过,与日本人交往送礼或接受礼品时,应有的礼节是用双手捧住礼品,但作者没有说在其他亚洲国家也应如此,故答案为A。其余的三项都能在文中找到对应的细节。
