Where does this conversation most probably take place?

admin2009-09-15  22

问题 Where does this conversation most probably take place?
M: Miss, this is my first flight. I wonder if you could show me the ropes?
F: I’d be glad to. That’s what we are here for. How are you doing now?
M: Fine so far, but my ears feel a little funny.
F: That’s the air pressure. You’ll get used to it in a little while.
M: Will there be a movie?
F: Yes, but not until after we have served breakfast.
M: Will that be soon?
F: Yes, right away. You must be hungry.
M: Not very, but I would like a drink, please.
F: I’ll bring you one. A coke, beer, juice ...?
M: Just water, please. Thanks for your help.
F: It’s my pleasure.

选项 A、A coke.


