Competitions and Personal Development (1)生活中到处充满着竞争。 (2)竞争对于个人发展的重要性。 (3)你的看法。

admin2016-02-04  48

问题 Competitions and Personal Development


答案Competitions and Personal Development Nowadays, competition has almost become a natural part in every aspect of our life. On the sports ground, for example, sportsmen do their best to win the champion. In the business field, businessmen try every means to gain more profits; in schools, students exert all their efforts in a race against their classmates for good marks. Competition is cruel, but does play an important role in one’s personal development. Firstly, competition stimulate us to work harder. As we know we may fail if we fall behind the others, we will devote more efforts to work, which will inevitably help to improve our abilities. Secondly, Competition can make us psychologically strong. Since only the fittest survive, we’ll have to become strong to adapt to the cold competitions. Thirdly, competition strengthens the idea of equality of opportunity, so that each person has chances to display his ability. In a word, it’s competition that helps to bring our ability into full play. In my opinion, competition is a double-edged sword. It can sharpen one’s skills and capabilities on the one hand; on the other hand it can also weigh down a person with unbearable pressure. So it’s important for an individual to view competition in a constructive way, so that we can use it dynamically rather than destructively for personal development.

解析     本文围绕着我们的生活中充满了竞争这一社会现象,重点论述了竞争对于个人发展的重要意义。文章表达清楚,语言准确、到位,文字连贯,句式用词富有变化。在内容上,作者通过具体事例来说明竞争已经渗透到我们生活的方方面面。举例的方法使描写更加真实、生动。在论述的主体部分(即evaluations),作者用列数的方法,层次清晰地分析了竞争对于个人发展的重要性具体体现在哪些方面。这使整个段落结构紧凑,论述严密。在最后表明个人观点的部分(即further comments),作者不仅表明了自己对竞争的看法,还进一步倡导以正确的心态面对竞争,并以此总结全文。
