A、John has no experience at all. B、John has a charming personality. C、John was so lucky that he got the job. D、There were so man

admin2013-10-22  24

W: Bob, look at all the beautiful clothes displayed in the window! Aren’t they dazzling?
M: This is Versace. You have to pay through the nose to buy even a shirt here.
Q: What does the man mean?
W: It’s a miracle that John got the job! There were so many applicants and John is not experienced at all.
M: It must be his charming personality that brings him the good luck.
Q: Why is the woman surprised?

选项 A、John has no experience at all.
B、John has a charming personality.
C、John was so lucky that he got the job.
D、There were so many applicants.


解析 目的原因题。女士对John能够获得这份工作表示惊讶,因为有那么多的求职者,而John又一点经验都没有。因此,令女士感到惊讶的是John如此幸运地获得了工作。
