Reptiles at Risk A research made in conjunction with 200 species conservation experts has found / the future of 19% of the w

admin2016-07-18  33



答案 Reptiles at Risk A research made in conjunction with 200 species conservation experts has found / the future of 19% of the world’s reptiles are threatened. / Experts also confirmed that 47% are vulnerable / and highlighted the possible extinction of three species. / Reptiles are a group of animals including turtles, tortoises, snakes, lizards, crocodiles and worm lizards. / The lizard-like animals found only in New Zealand are also included. / Usually, reptiles can be indicators of environmental problems. / Many species are highly specialized in terms of habitat use and climatic conditions. / This makes them particularly sensitive to environmental changes. / According to the study, levels of threat to the diverse group of animals / are particularly high in tropical regions / due to pressures from agriculture and logging. / Many species of reptiles are in danger of disappearing. / The survey is aimed to provide an indicator of biological diversity both now and over time, / in an effort to make such research more collaborative. /

解析     危在旦夕的爬行动物
