A、All of the acting nominees are white. B、It has got too much publicity on TV. C、It is prejudiced against foreign films. D、Only

admin2019-02-27  20

Researchers have found not just a diversity problem in Hollywood but actually an inclusion crisis.
   With less than a week before an Oscars ceremony that has already been criticized for an all-white list of acting nominees, a study shows the film industry does worse than television. Just 3.4 percent of film directors were female, and only 7 percent of films had a cast whose balance of race and ethnicity reflected the country’s diversity. When researchers looked at all TV shows, they also found that women of color over 40 were regarded as "largely invisible" and just 22 percent of TV series creators were female.
   Overall, the study found half the films and TV shows had no Asian speaking characters and more than one-fifth of them had no black characters with dialogue. The film industry still functions as a straight, white, boy’s club. When looking at how women are depicted, the study found female characters were four times more likely to be shown in sexy clothing and nearly four times as likely to be referred to as physically attractive. But their results also indicated films and TV shows with women or people of color in the important jobs behind the scenes—director, producer or writer—tended to have better diversity numbers.
   Across TV and film, the underrepresentation of non-white characters falls mostly on Hispanics. Among more than 10,000 characters, proportions of white, black and Asian characters came close to U. S. population figures. But Hispanics were just 5. 8 percent of characters, despite being about 17 percent of the U. S. population.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
12. Why has the Oscars ceremony been criticized?
13. What do we learn from the research?
14. Who are regarded as "largely invisible" on TV shows?
15. What does the speaker say about Hispanics?

选项 A、All of the acting nominees are white.
B、It has got too much publicity on TV.
C、It is prejudiced against foreign films.
D、Only 7% of the nominees are female.


解析 短文中提到,距离奥斯卡颁奖典礼还有不到一周的时间,因提名人员全都是白人而饱受批评,研究发现电影业的情况确实要比电视业更糟糕。因此答案为A)。
