On June 12 th you received your order from a company but it is a shame that the company missed one item you ordered. It is a 13

admin2018-11-22  64

问题     On June 12 th you received your order from a company but it is a shame that the company missed one item you ordered. It is a 13 inch lug wrench, model #14596 but you were billed $16.78 for it.
    Now write a letter to complain about it.(50-60 words)


答案 Dear Ms. Berg, I received my order from your company on June 12th. It is in perfect condition except that one item was not sent: a 13 inch lug wrench, model #14596. However, I was billed $16.78 for it. Please send the wrench as soon as possible. I prefer to have the tool and not a refund. I know you will look into this situation immediately. Sincerely, Clyde Bradley

