Born in Hawaii, raised for some of his childhood in Indonesia, Barack Obama has since his election wanted to be known as America

admin2014-10-03  73

问题 Born in Hawaii, raised for some of his childhood in Indonesia, Barack Obama has since his election wanted to be known as America’s first "Pacific President. " Until recently, he has not done much to earn the title. That, Mr. Obama declares, is now changing.
Allies in Asia have complained about only intermittent American attention to their region. But in a speech to Australia’s parliament on November 17th, Mr. Obama announced that America is back. "Let there be no doubt: in the Asia-Pacific in the 21st century, the United States of America is all in. " It was, he said, a "deliberate and strategic decision" : America was "here to stay. "
Senior administration officials back up the president. They talk of a new "pivot" in foreign policy towards Asia. They say that much of Mr. Obama’s first term has been spent dealing with "inherited" issues , many of them linked to George Bush’s war on terror. But America is now out of Iraq, and there is a deadline to free itself from Afghanistan. So Asia is coming more into focus. Of course, old problems, such as Iran, can rapidly force themselves back to the top of the president’s agenda, and old European allies still command the most trust. But insiders hope that the Pacific will be the new strategic focus.


答案 巴拉克.奥巴马出生于夏威夷,童年曾在印度尼西亚生活过一段时间。自当选以来,他一直想把自己打造成美国第一位“太平洋总统”,却未曾为赢得这个称号做过多少努力。直到最近,奥巴马宣称情况正在改变。 亚洲的盟友抱怨,美国只是偶尔将注意力投向亚洲地区。但奥巴马11月17日在澳大利亚议会发表演讲,宣称美国回来了。“不要再有疑虑。在21世纪,美国将全心投入亚太地区。”他说这是一个“审慎而又至关重要的决定”:美国“绝不会离开”。 美国政府高级官员们全部支持总统。他们谈到美国对亚洲政策的一个新支点。他们声称奥巴马在第一个任期中花了大量时间处理“遗留”问题,其中许多都与布什的反恐战争相关。但现在美国撤出了伊拉克,并且也必将从阿富汗抽身。因此,亚洲问题变得更加突出。当然,诸如伊朗这类老问题很快就能再次出现在总统的议程上。与此同时,欧洲那些旧日盟友仍是最值得信赖的。但是内部人士希望太平洋地区成为新的战略重点。

