A、He nearly missed the appointment. B、He also felt sorry for being late. C、He didn’t arrive so early either. D、He is ’all right

admin2010-08-04  24

M: Now I’m going to start off by asking you a difficult question. Why would you like to get this post?
W: Well, first of all, I know that your school has a very good reputation.
Q:What do we learn from this conversation?
W:I’m so sorry for being late.You must have been waiting for a long time.
M:That’s all right.Actually,I got here just a couple of minutes ago.
Q:What does the man imply?

选项 A、He nearly missed the appointment.
B、He also felt sorry for being late.
C、He didn’t arrive so early either.
D、He is ’all right now.


解析 关键问题。本题的关键在于理解男士后一句话的内容。女士因为迟到向男士道歉,她以为让男士等了很长时间;男士回答道:“没关系,实际上我几分钟前刚到。”由此可知,并不像女士认为的那样,事实上男士来得并不是很早。
