A、He is a workaholic now. B、He has divorced his wife. C、He has changed a new job. D、He has changed his work style. D细节推断题。男士说他经常

admin2013-10-22  26

W: Mary is annoyed after someone told her that her pearl necklace was very valuable.
M: What a pity! If only she were told earlier. You know, she sold it for only 500 dollars.
Q: Why is Mary so annoyed?
M: My wife has been very upset about my bad habit of staying late at work.
W: My husband used to be a workaholic. His work addiction almost ruined our relationship.
Q: What do we learn about the woman’s husband?

选项 A、He is a workaholic now.
B、He has divorced his wife.
C、He has changed a new job.
D、He has changed his work style.


解析 细节推断题。男士说他经常加班到很晚,他妻子对此非常沮丧;女士表示她的丈夫过去是个工作狂,他对工作的痴迷几乎毁了他们的关系。由此可知,女士的丈夫现在已经改变了丁作习惯,不再是个工作狂了。used to意为“过去常常”,workaholic意为“工作狂”。
