Although movie critic Pauline Kael had the distaste for sycophancy, he also had the need for (i)________, and as a consequence o

admin2022-12-11  12

问题 Although movie critic Pauline Kael had the distaste for sycophancy, he also had the need for (i)________, and as a consequence of his competing feelings, he often showed a (ii)_________signals to his relatives and friends.
Blank (i)    Blank (ii)
A. solitude  D. mixed
B. obeisance E. direct
C. clarity   F. subtle



解析 空格(i)的逻辑连接词是although,表让步转折,让步与转折的部分语义相反。让步的部分说这个批评家对sycophancy (谄媚,奉承)很反感,转折的部分说,然而他还有(i)________的需求。空格(i)应该表达喜欢sycophancy的含义,B项obeisance(尊重,尊崇)最符合,意思是尽管他不喜欢溜须拍马,但希望别人都顺从他。空格(ii)的逻辑连接词是as a consequence,表因果,前后同义,这里his competing feelings指代前面的a distaste for sycophancy和the need for obeisance,针对前面提到的电影评论家既不喜欢别人溜须拍马,又希望别人对他毕恭毕敬的这种状态,这种“矛盾、混杂的信号”对应空格选项,D项mixed(混杂的)符合。有同学空格(ii)选择subtle,认为“精妙的”这一含义也符合题意。subtle:having or showing skill at recognizing and understanding things that are not obvious,在题目中语义并不合适。正如前面刚刚提到的,要注重语境含义,而不是单纯套用中文释义。最后,再提醒大家一点:competing这个词不要错误地理解为“竞争的”,而是“纠结的,对立的,矛盾的”。
本试题收录于: GRE VERBAL题库GRE分类
