Which of the following does NOT belong to the historical influence of the Bill of Rights?

admin2013-01-24  53

问题 Which of the following does NOT belong to the historical influence of the Bill of Rights?

选项 A、It marks the replacement of the autocratic monarchy with a constitutional monarchy.
B、It marks the end of medieval period — the period of feudalism.
C、It marks the beginning of the modern period — the period of capitalism.
D、It marks the beginning of the English Renaissance.


解析 the Bill of Rights(《权利法案》)是光荣革命(The Glorious Revolution)后议会为了避免出现詹姆斯一世和查尔斯一世时的君主专政统治,制定的一系列限制君主权力的法律条文,总称为《权利法案》。《权利法案》标志着君主专政的结束和君主立宪制的开始,同时也标志着英国封建制度的灭亡和资本主义阶段的开始。English Renaissance是伊丽莎白时期的英国文艺复兴运动,时间不重叠,也非《权利法案》的意义。
