Which of the following sustainability programs is NOT mentioned in Wal-Mart’s report?

admin2009-06-24  24

问题 Which of the following sustainability programs is NOT mentioned in Wal-Mart’s report?
Wal-Mart presented little new information in its first major report on efforts to become greener, but it was enough to encourage some environmental groups to say that the world’s largest retailer is trying. The report released Thursday details dozens of sustainability programs ranging from environmental to economic development, employee health care and ethics in overseas factories where it buys goods.
    Most have been disclosed previously, but the 64-page report is the first comprehensive catalog of dozens of programs—from organic cotton clothes to low-energy freezer cases—adopted since Chief Executive Lee Scott set three green goals in October 2005. Those goals are to be supplied 100 percent by renewable energy, to create zero waste and to sell products that help sustain resources and the environment. Scott did not set any timelines, although there are deadlines for some of the steps along the way.   Scott said in a foreword that the report shows Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is making progress, but still has work to do. He reiterated Wal-Mart’s stated theory of two years ago that reducing its environmental impact is a smart business move because it saves money and produces better products.
    Environmental Defense, which works with large companies including Wal-Mart to help them design and implement green plans, welcomed the report. "The company is moving in the right direction, and learning as it goes", the group said in a statement. Environmental Defense is the only green group to open an office, with two staff members, in Wal-Mart’s headquarters town of Bentonville, Arkansas, to coordinate the effort.
    Environmental Defense said, however, that Wal-Mart must provide more data and context in the sustainability report. For example, it said, the report lists new low-flow sinks that cut water use in some store bathrooms, but does not specify how many stores use the technology and what water use was before the installations.
    "Our takeaway is that over the last two years, Wal-Mart has built the foundation for a robust environmental program with many innovative and potentially transformational projects", Environmental Defense said.

选项 A、List the new low-flow sinks.
B、Use more new designs.
C、Provide mom data and context.
D、Specific the stores that the company work with.


