
admin2016-10-27  85

问题     关中民俗艺术博物院坐落于秦岭终南山世界地质公园中心地带和隋唐佛教圣地南五台山脚下,东接翠华山,南拥五台山,西邻草堂寺,北瞰长安城,占地493.88亩、规划建筑面积10.8万平方米,计划总投资人民币5.7亿元,是以民俗文化遗产抢救、保护、收藏、研究和展示为主的大型文化旅游项目。整体建筑呈明、清园林风格,气势恢宏,古朴典雅。博物院抢救、保护、珍藏了周秦汉唐以来历代的民俗文化遗产36 000多件。形成了民间艺术、关中民居、民俗风情、名人字画四大系列藏品。从不同层面集中地反映了关中地区各族人民在不同历史时期的民俗历史风貌,被国内外学者誉为“民族文化的基因和标本库”。8 600多根拴马桩以其精美的石雕工艺引人注目,极大地丰富了我国民间石刻艺术宝库,被誉为“地上兵马俑”。博物院被列为陕西省“十二五”重大建设项目,被国家文化部命名为“国家文化产业示范基地”,现为国家4A级旅游景区,已成为陕西独具特色的民俗文化旅游景观。


答案Guan Zhong Folk Customs and Art Museum, located in the core area of the world geological park of Zhong Nan Peak at Qin Ling and beneath the Peak Wu Tai, a holy Buddhist place in Sui and Tang dynasties, is a large-scaled cultural tourism project which aims to rescue, protect, collect, research and display the folk cultural heritage. It stands on a site of 493. 88 mu(82 acres)with a total planning area of 108, 000 square meters and a total planning investment of RMB 0. 57 billion. On the east, it faces CuiHua Peak; on the south, the WuTai Peak; on the west, the CaoTang Temple; and on the north, Chang’an(Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi province now). The whole construction of the museum is built in a typical garden style in Ming and Qing dynasties, magnificent, elegant, and simple. The museum, which is acclaimed by experts and scholars both home and abroad as " Treasury Vault of National Cultural Genes and Specimens ," has rescued, protected and collected more than 36, 000 folk relics and intangible cultural heritage from Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang dynasties, formed four main series of collections including folk art, Guan Zhong folk house, folk customs and practices, famous people’s calligraphy and paintings. And from different aspects it demonstrated the folk customs and practices of people of all ethnic groups in Guan Zhong area during different historical periods. More than 8, 600 stone hitching posts known as "Aground Terracotta Warriors and Horses" attract people by their exquisite stone-carving craft and enrich the treasure vault of national folk stone-carving art. The museum is listed as the key construction project during the period of the 12th Five-Year Plan of Shaanxi province and named by Ministry of Cultural of People’s Republic of China as " National Demonstration Base for Cultural Industry. " Now as a national AAAA scenic spot, it has also become a new folk cultural landscape with special characteristics for tourism in Shaanxi province.

