The Oxford English Dictionary has added many new words in its recent updates, which reveal current trends in the use of language

admin2019-01-19  93

问题     The Oxford English Dictionary has added many new words in its recent updates, which reveal current trends in the use of language. In its latest quarterly update, entries include "air-punching"—the action of thrusting  a clenched fist into the air in elation or triumph, and "bower (not to be bothered)"—part of the catchphrase of comedian Catherine Tate’ s teenage character Lauren. A number of Internet slang acronyms such as ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing), ICYMI (in case you missed it), TBH (to be honest), and FWIW (for what it’ s worth) also make the list. The phrase "taking candy from a baby", in which one exploits an easy opportunity, is included as well as "sister from another mister"—a term for a very close female friend first recorded in 1998. Other entries include fro-yo, the short form for frozen yoghurt, dudettes—the female form of dude—and agender for designating people who do not identify themselves as a particular gender. Starter marriages are short-lived first marriages, often in preparation for something more long-term, while stupid o’clock is a time outside one’ s normal waking life. In a blog on the latest update, Jonathan Dent, senior assistant editor of the OED, said it included more than 1,000 new words and senses and almost 2,000 fully revised or partially expanded  entries. These new entries and senses cover more than 1,200 years of English in use, from an Old English  word first applied in the year 800 to an Internet acronym originally seen in 2000.


答案 最近更新的《牛津英语词典》增加了许多新词,显示了当下的语言使用趋势。在最新的季度更新中,新词条包括“air-punching”(高兴或胜利时握紧拳头挥向空中的动作)和“bower”(不被打扰)”(为喜剧演员凯瑟琳.塔特饰演的青少年角色劳伦的口头禅)。许多网络俚语缩略词,如ROFL(笑得满地打滚),ICYMI(万一你错过了),TBH(老实说)和FWIW(不管价值如何)也在入选的词条中,短语“taking candyfrom a baby”(指一个人抓住了毫不费力的机会,做事易如反掌)和“sister from another mister。”(用来表示非常亲密的女性朋友,最早出现于1998年)都被收录其中。其他词条还包括fro-yo(冷冻酸奶的缩写)、dudetts(姐们儿)和agender(无性别者)。“Starter marriages(新手婚姻)”指的是短暂的初次婚姻,通常表示人们为了更长久的婚姻而进行的试婚,而“stupid o’clock(愚蠢时间)”指的是一个人正常清醒生活之外的时间。《牛津英语词典》的高级助理编辑乔纳森.登特在一篇词条季度更新的博客中表示,词典收录了1 000多条新词新义,同时修订并部分扩充了近2 000个已有词目。这些新词新义涵盖了逾1 200年历史发展出来的英语用语,从公元800年首次出现的古英语单词到2000年首次出现的网络用语。

