
admin2017-11-20  88

问题     科学研究已经提供了明确的证据,北极海冰正在以超过预期的速度消失。即将在哥本哈根召开的联合国气候变化框架公约会议为我们提供了动员国际社会共同应对这一全球挑战的机会。在奥巴马总统和克林顿国务卿领导下,美国正在和世界各地的伙伴们寻求共同点,一道抵御未来不可逆转的破坏性变化。我们认识到,中国必须引领全球对抗气候变化的努力。作为有史以来最大的温室气体排放国,我们理应承担责任。我们知道,如果美国不减排,任何气候变化解决方案均无从谈起。因此,我们深信美国能够而且愿意在建设21世纪的清洁能源经济方面发挥领导作用。但是,仅仅依靠美国和其他发达国家采取行动远远不够,未来增长的排放量中有80%来自发展中国家。


答案 The science is clear. Arctic sea ice is disappearing faster than expected. The coming United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Copenhagen offers a chance to mobilize international collective action to meet his global challenge. Under the leadership of Present Obama and Secretary Clinton, the United States is working with our partners around the world to find common ground and stem the tide of future irreversible damages. We recognize that China must be a leader in the global effort to combat climate change. We have a responsibility as the world’s largest historic emitter of greenhouse gases. We know that without US emission reductions, no solution to climate change is possible. And we are confident that the United States can and will take the lead in building the 21st century clean energy economy. But action by the United States and other developed nations is not enough. More than 80 percent of the future growth in emissions will be from developing nations.

