We usually classify literature—imaginative literature(excluding nonfiction prose)—into the following genres or classes:(1)prose

admin2016-12-27  80

问题 We usually classify literature—imaginative literature(excluding nonfiction prose)—into the following genres or classes:(1)prose fiction;(2)poetry, and(3)drama. These three genres have many common characteristics. All are art forms, each with its own requirements of structure and style. In varying degrees, all the genres are dramatic and imaginative; they have at least some degree of action, or are based in part on dramatic situations.
Imaginative literature differs from textbooks, historical and biographical works, and news articles, all of which describe or interpret facts. While literature is related to the truths of human life, it may be based on situations that have never occurred, and which may never occur. This is not to say that imaginative literature is not truthful, but rather that its truth is to life and human nature, not necessarily to the detailed world of reportorial, scientific, and historical facts in which we all live.
Although the three main genres have much in common, they also differ in many ways. Prose fiction, or narrative fiction, is in prose form and includes novels, short stories, myths, parables, romances, and epics. These works generally focus on one or a few major characters who undergo some kind of change as they meet other characters or deal with problems or difficulties in their lives. Poetry, in contrast to prose fiction, is much more economical in the use of words, and it relies heavily on imagery, figurative language, rhythm and sound. Drama(or plays)is the form of literature designed to be performed by actors. Like fiction, drama may focus on a single character or a small number of characters, and it presents fictional events as if they were happening in the present, to be witnessed by a group of people composing an audience. Some dramas employ much of the imagery, rhythm, and sound of poetry.


答案 我们通常将文学——虚构文学(不包括纪实类散文)——分为以下几种体裁或类别:(1)散文体小说;(2)诗歌;(3)戏剧。这三种文体间存在许多共同点。它们都属于艺术形式,在结构和风格上有各自的要求。它们都展现出了不同程度的戏剧性和想象力;具备一定的情节,或在某种程度上取材于戏剧性情景。 虚构文学不同于记述或解读事实的教科书、历史和传记作品以及新闻报道类文章。虽然文学作品与人类生活息息相关,但它可能基于从未发生,甚至永远不会发生的场景。这并不是说虚构文学不真实,而是说其真实性针对的是生活和人性,而非生活中纪实、科学和历史方面巨细无遗的事实。 这三种主要文体存在很多共同之处,但也不乏区别。散文体小说,或叙事类虚构小说,属于散文形式,可细分为小说、短篇小说、神话、寓言、传奇及史诗。这些作品一般重点讲述一个或几个主要角色,在遇到其他角色、处理生活难题或困境时会发生某种改变。与散文小说相反,诗歌用词更为简练,且严重依赖意象、比喻性的语言、韵律以及音感。戏剧是专为演员表演而存在的一种文学形式。跟小说一样,戏剧将重点放在一个或几个角色上,讲述虚构事件,仿佛它们就发生在当下,得到构成观众的一群人见证。还有一些戏剧会大量运用诗歌中的意象、韵律及音感。

