In Japan you should hold a business card with ______ and read the name and rifle carefully.

admin2009-06-24  33

问题 In Japan you should hold a business card with ______ and read the name and rifle carefully.
Interviewer: Bob, you went to Brazil, didn’t you?
Bob: Yes, I did.
I: So, what happened?
B: Well, I went into this meeting and there were about, er seven or eight people in there and I just said "Hello" to everybody and sat down. Apparently, what I should have done is to go round the room shaking hands with everyone individually. Well, you know, it’s silly of me because I found out later it upset everyone. In mean, I think they felt I was taking them for granted.
Kate: Well, I know that because when I was in France for the first time, I finished a meeting with "Goodbye, everyone" to all the people in the room. There were about half a dozen people there but I was in a hurry to leave, so I just said that and left. Well, I later found out that what I should have done is shake hands with everyone in the group before leaving. Now, apparently, it’s the polite thing to do.
I: Well, people shake hands in different ways, don’t they?
B: Oh, yes, that’s right, they do. See, normally I shake hands quite gently when I meet someone. So when I went to the U.S. for the first time, I think people there thought my weak handshake was a sigh of weakness. Apparently, people there tend to shake hands quite firmly.
K: Oh, gosh, you know, that reminds me: on my first trip to Germany, it was a long time ago, I was introduced to the boss in the company when he passed us in the corridor. Well, I wasn’t prepared, and I mean, I had my left hand in my pocket. And when we shook hands I realized my left hand was still in my pocket. Well, that was, you know, very bad manners and I was quite embarrassed.
I: And how about using first names? Have you made any mistakes there?
B: Oh, yes, I have! When I first went to Italy I thought it was OK to use everyone’s first name so as to seem friendly. And I later discovered that in business you shouldn’t use someone’s first name unless you are invited to. Oh, and you should always use their title as well.
K: Hm, yeah, well, when I met people in Russia, you know, they seemed to be puzzled when I shook hands with them and said "How do you do?" Well, what they do when they greet a stranger is to say their own names, so I had that all wrong.
B: Oh, yes, I agree with that. Remembering names is very important.
I: What do you think of business cards, Bob?
B: I found them very useful when I was in Japan not so long ago. Each person can clearly see the other’s name and the job title on the card. And I found out that you have to treat business cards with respect. What you’ve got to do is hold them with both hands and then read them very carefully. What happened to me was the first time I just took a man’s card with one hand and put it straight into my pocket.
I: What other advice do you have, Kate?
K: Well, one time I unintentionally caused some problems when I was in China. Well, I was trying to make a joke when I pretended to criticize my business associate for being late for a meeting. And he was embarrassed, I mean, he was really embarrassed instead of being amused. Now you shouldn’t criticize people in China or embarrass them. I mean, you must avoid confrontation. That’s for sure.
B: Oh, I must toll you about the first time I was in Mexico. I have to admit I found it a bit strange when business associates there touched me on the arm and the shoulder. Well, I tried to move away and of course. they thought I was being very, very unfriendly. Apparently, it’s quite usual there for men to touch each other in, you know, in a friendly way. And another thing, the first time I went to Korea I thought it was polite not to look someone in the eye too much. The Koreans I met seemed to be staring at me when I spoke, which seemed, you know, a bit odd at first. In Korea, eye contact conveys sincerity and it shows you’re paying attention to the speaker.
K: Oh, well, it seemed strange because you British don’t look at each other so much when you’re talking to each other. I mean, you look away, you know, most of the time. I found this hard to deal with when I first came to the UK, because people seemed to be embarrassed when I looked at them while they were speaking to me.
I: go, what’s the thing visitors to Britain should avoid most?
B: Well, I don’t think we are all that sensitive, do you, Kate?
K: Ohoo, well, I’ll tell you, I made a big mistake when I was in Scotland. I found myself referring to the U.K. as "England" and to the British as "the English". Now I know that would be just as bad in Wales, I guess.
B: Yes, it certainly would!


答案business associates

解析 本题考查推断能力。根据对话的内容和关键词以及涉及到的场景,如meeting,was introduced to the boss in the company,shook hands,business cards,my business associate等,不难得出结论business associates。
