Most mammals reach sexual maturity when their growth rates are in decline, whereas humans experience a growth spurt during adole

admin2021-09-28  34

问题     Most mammals reach sexual maturity when their growth rates are in decline, whereas humans experience a growth spurt during adolescence. Whether apes experience an adolescent growth spurt is still undecided. In the 1950s, data on captive chimpanzees collected by James Gavan appeared devoid of evidence of an adolescent growth spurt in these apes. In a recent reanalysis of Gavan’s data, however, zoologist Elizabeth Watts has found that as chimpanzees reach sexual maturity, the growth rate of their limbs accelerates. Most biologists, however, are skeptical that this is a humanlike adolescent growth spurt. While the human adolescent growth spurt is physically obvious and affects virtually the entire body, the chimpanzee’s increased growth rate is detectable only through sophisticated mathematical analysis. Moreover, according to scientist Holly Smith, the growth rate increase in chimpanzees begins when 86% of full skeletal growth has been attained, whereas human adolescence generally commences when 77 percent of full skeletal growth has occurred.
The passage suggests which of the following about the adolescent growth spurt that takes place in humans?

选项 A、Its primary effects are found in parts of the body other than the limbs.
B、It is generally completed by the time 77 percent of full skeletal growth is attained.
C、It is normally detectable without the assistance of sophisticated mathematical analysis.
D、The rate of growth is much faster at the beginning of puberty than at any other time.
E、The estimated growth rate varies depending on the methods of measurement that are used.


解析 根据第六句,黑猩猩的生长需要借助复杂的数学分析来发现,因此人类的生长加速不需要借助数学工具也能被发现。A项根据第六句人类的生长加速影响全身,也包含了四肢。B项根据第七句,人类生长加速在77%的时候才开始。D项文章没有把青春期的开始同其他阶段进行比较。E项文章没有提到人类生长速度的测量手段。
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