It is not enough to know what is right and what is wrong. One must also be able to apply this knowledge to actual, concrete situ

admin2013-02-16  23

问题     It is not enough to know what is right and what is wrong. One must also be able to apply this knowledge to actual, concrete situation. For that, the virtue of prudence is essential.
    St. Thomas Aquinas referred to prudence as the "rudder virtue", the one that "steers" the others. Without it, we are like someone adrift in a boat, tossed in this direction or that by the wind, the waves, and the current. Unfortunately, the virtue of prudence has too often been confused with caution. Thus, the "prudent" person is one who never "rocks the boat" and is especially careful to avoid offending those who are in position to advance their interests — or to thwart them.
    The word that actually comes closest to functioning as a synonym for prudence is "discernment". The prudent person is one who "size" up a situation and decide, or discern, what is the wisest and most moral course of action to take.
    Accordingly, prudence doesn’t answer the question, "What is the right thing in principle to do?" Rather, "What is the right thing for me(or for us)to do in this situation?"
    The prudent person fully examines a situation and seeks advice from others. Reaching out to others for counsel before acting is one of the classic marks of a prudent person. A judgment is made in the light of this examination and advice, and then a decision is made.


答案 知道什么是对,什么是错,这是不够的。还必须能把这一知识运用于具体情况。为此,审慎美德便是必不可少的。 圣托马斯-阿奎那斯把审慎称为“指导性美德”,即指导其他美德的美德。没有它,我们就好像坐在小船上随波逐流,被狂风、怒涛和激流一会儿抛向这里,一会儿抛向那里。遗憾的是,人们常常把审慎与谨慎混淆。因此,“审慎”的人就从不惹是生非,特别小心翼翼地避免冒犯那些能够增进或妨碍自己利益的人。 实际上,与审慎最接近的同义词是敏锐。审慎的人会审时度势,能确定或看出应该采取的最明智和最合乎道德的行为。 因此,审慎的人不回答这样的问题:“在原则上做什么是对的?”而回答这样的问题:“对我(或我们)来说,在这种情况下做什么是对的?” 审慎的人考虑事情很全面。行动之前善于征求他人的意见是审慎之人的特点之一。据此做出判断,然后做出决定。

