Hard work and perseverance will always be ingredients for success, but higher inequality has sharply tilted the landscape and ma

admin2019-04-11  66

问题    Hard work and perseverance will always be ingredients for success, but higher inequality has sharply tilted the landscape and made having successful parents, if not essential, certainly a central part of the recipe. American children raised at the top, and at the bottom, are more likely to land on the same rung of the income ladder as their fathers than their Canadian counterparts. More than one-quarter of sons raised by fathers in the top 10 percent stay in the top 10 percent as adults, and another quarter fall no further than the top third. Meanwhile, half of those raised by fathers in the bottom 10 percent remain at the bottom or rise no further than the bottom third. In Canada there is less stickiness at the top, and children raised in the bottom are more likely to rise to the top half in earnings.


答案 勤奋和毅力始终是成功的要素,但愈加严重的不平等现象令情况发生了改变,如今拥有成功的父母即便并非不可或缺,也一定是成功的核心因素。与加拿大的孩子相比,来自美国最高和最低收入家庭的孩子长大后更有可能跟他们的父亲一样留在原来的阶层。如果父亲的收入位居最高的10%,他抚养的孩子中超过四分之一长大后仍然位于前10%,另外的四分之一不会跌出前三分之一。而如果父亲的收入在最低的10%,他抚养的孩子有一半长大后收入依然在底层,即便收入增加,他们也不会超出最低的三分之一。在加拿大,收入顶层的黏滞性较弱,底层家庭抚养的孩子的收入更有可能升至中游水平以上。

