电脑与人脑的差异,可以用一个字眼来概括:复杂性。大型哺乳动物的大脑,就其体积而言,是我们所知晓的最复杂的肌体。人脑只有3磅,但就在这3磅物质中,却包含着100亿个神经细胞,以及1 000亿个更小的细胞。这上百亿上千亿的细胞相互联系,行成一个无比复杂的网络,

admin2019-04-11  66

问题     电脑与人脑的差异,可以用一个字眼来概括:复杂性。大型哺乳动物的大脑,就其体积而言,是我们所知晓的最复杂的肌体。人脑只有3磅,但就在这3磅物质中,却包含着100亿个神经细胞,以及1 000亿个更小的细胞。这上百亿上千亿的细胞相互联系,行成一个无比复杂的网络,人类迄今还无法解开这其中的奥秘。


答案Even the most complicated computer man has yet built can’t compare in intricacy with the brain. Computer switches and components number in the thousands rather than in the billions. What’ s more, the computer switch is just an on-off device, whereas the brain composes of a tremendously complex structure. Can a computer think? That depends on what you mean by "think". If solving a mathematical problem is "thinking", then a computer can "think" and do so much faster than a man. Of course, most mathematical problems can be solved quite mechanically by repeating certain straight-forward processes over and over again. Even the simple computers today can be geared for that. Our "program" is so much more e-normously complex, though, that we might like to define "thinking" in terms of the creativity that goes into writing a great play or composing a great symphony, conceiving a brilliant scientific theory or a profound ethical judgment. In that sense, computers certainly can’t think and neither can most humans. Surely, though, if a computer can be made complex enough, it can be as creative as we are. If it could be made as complex as a human brain, it could be equivalent to a human brain and do whatever a human brain can do.

