A、The CEO of the company. B、The creator of the company. C、The founder of Ottawa. D、The manager of the department. BMark Smith是公司

admin2012-11-30  27

W: Can I help you? I’m Nancy, the clerk of Human Resources Department.
M: My name is Wang Fang, how do you do?
W: I see by your resume that you have been working?
M: Yes, I have worked for four years with a Canadian company.
W: Tell me what you know about our company, please.
M: Well, Mark Smith, who was the first president, founded the company in 1955. It has 1.5 billion dollars in capital; it employs 8,000 people, and it is the largest company in its field in Canada.
W: What do you know about our major products and our share of the market?
M: Your company products are mostly marketed in Canada and the United States, but particularly have sold very well here in China.
W: What made you decide to change your job?
M: Because I want to change my working environment and seek new challenges.
W: Do you like this job?
M: Yes.
W: What do you think is the most important qualification for a sales- person?
M: I think it is confidence in himself and his products.
W: I agree with you. Do you have any questions to ask about this job?
M: Yes, I like to know something about the salary.
W: I think the starting salary for a salesperson is between 1,500 -2,000 yuan. But the specific number will be determined according to your sales.
M: When can I get the final decision?
W: We cannot reach a final decision until we have talked to all of the other five applicants.  Anyhow, we’ll contact you within this month. See you.
M: Nice meeting you, too. Good - bye.

选项 A、The CEO of the company.
B、The creator of the company.
C、The founder of Ottawa.
D、The manager of the department.


解析 Mark Smith是公司的创始人,不是执行总裁或其他职务,因而标准答案是B。
