
admin2022-12-27  45

问题 茶是中国人日常生活中不可或缺的饮料(beverage)。中国人对泡茶非常挑剔,常用泉水、雨水或雪水来泡茶。其中,泉水和秋天的雨水最好。水质和味道最为重要,好的水必须是纯净、凉爽、清澈、流动的。茶在中国人的情感生活中扮演了重要的角色。到中国人家里做客,主人总是立刻就敬上一杯茶。上茶不只是礼貌,它还象征着团结,代表着尊重,代表着主人与客人共享美好时光。主人倒茶(pore tea)只倒七分满,剩下的三分是友情和关爱。


答案For Chinese people, tea is an indispensable beverage in their daily life. Chinese people are very particular about making tea. To make tea, they often use spring water, rain water or snow water, among which spring water and rain water in autumn are considered to be the best. In terms of water, the emphasis is put on the quality and taste, and fine water must be pure, cool, clear and flowing. Tea plays an important role in Chinese emotional life. It is always offered immediately to a guest in Chinese home. Serving a cup of tea is more than a matter of being polite; it also represents togetherness, respect and the host’s sharing of pleasant time with guests. The host will pour tea to seven tenths of the teacup, leaving the rest full of friendship and affection.

解析 1. 第二句中的“非常挑剔”指对泡茶非常讲究,非常严格。可译为are very particular about;“泡茶”可译为make tea。
2. 从句意来看,第二句讲到泡茶用什么水,而第三句紧接着讲在这些水中什么水最好,因此第三句可以翻译为which引导的定语从句,使句子间的衔接更紧密。
3. 倒数第二句介绍的是“上茶”的意义,句中的动词“象征”和“代表”意思相近,可以合并翻译,可译为represent、symbolize或signify。
