A、Right now. B、This evening. C、This afternoon. D、Tomorrow morning. BWhen will Susan prepare the talk?

admin2013-06-17  32

M: Susan! Could I have a word with you while you are having your coffee?
W: Of course, David! Let’s find a quiet comer over there.
M: The manager asked me to tell you that he appreciated your efforts last year very much.
W: Thanks, David. That makes me feel a lot better. I try my best, you know. You can tell him that I am grateful for his confidence in me.
M: Yes, I’ll certainly pass that on to him. Your sales figures for the last two years have been remarkably good.
W: Manchester is a good area to work in. There are a lot of businesses opening all the time. I try to make contact with the managers as soon as I know a new company is starting up. "The early bird catches the worm!" as they say.
M: I’m sure that’s true, but there is more to it than that, isn’t there. Susan? You seem to be very confident and this helps your sales.
W: Yes, I’ve been working on that for some time. I think that if I appear confident and successful, people are more likely to buy our goods.
M: Well, you certainly seem successful at that. Your sales figures prove that. I was wondering if you could give a short talk tomorrow afternoon on the idea of being confident as a sales representative. Do you think you could put together something on that topic?
W: I think I could manage. I’ll work on it this evening.
M: I would be grateful if you could do that for me. I’m sure the others would benefit from that kind of talk.
W: About how long do you want me to speak for?
M: Something like 20 minutes, if that’s all right?
W: And what sort of thing do you want me to talk about?
M: Oh. How to build up your confidence, present yourself to customers, that sort of thing.
W: I’ll work on it later then, David.
M: Thanks, Susan...let me take your coffee cup back for you. I think it is about time we got back to the conference.

选项 A、Right now.
B、This evening.
C、This afternoon.
D、Tomorrow morning.


解析 When will Susan prepare the talk?
